Forced labour in the Landsberg/Kaufering concentration subcamp complex

Most concentration camp prisoners of the concentration subcamp complex were engaged in construction work. At first with building the prisoners’ accommodation, then with constructing roads and tracks, with sewer work, producing pre-cast concrete elements and building bunkers. Some detainees were also assigned with agricultural work, for example as harvesters or when tilling the earth.

The nearly 3,000 concentration camp prisoners from Camp XI were used for the bunker construction sites Weingut II and Diana II, where some of them even worked on the solid concrete structure. Source: Yad Vashem Item ID: 101213 Archival Signature: 4AO6

The concentration camp prisoners had to perform backbreaking work in almost all areas – they did not always distinguish between men and women here. Prisoners in the construction commandos were forced to work until they were completely exhausted or debilitated. They also performed work in the camp commandos. Women prisoners were increasingly deployed in the OT kitchen, other tasks were cleaning the camp and procuring wood.

Zeitzeugin Bela Glied über ihre Zeit im KZ-Außenlagerkomplex Landsberg/Kaufering.

We had to carry the cement on boards down to the cellar. We, office people, starved, 50-kilo sacks of cement! If a sack fell to the ground, it ripped open. Then they got beatings (…)

– Dr. Kurt Deutsch about daily work

List of sources

The daily working time was between eight and twelve hours, a day of rest was usually only on a Sunday. Hygienic conditions were not only abysmal in the camps, the construction sites also provided few opportunities for prisoners to either wash or go to the toilet. The total death rate of women in the camps was lower than that for men.

The concentration camp prisoners did hard physical labor on the bunker construction sites. Their death was willingly accepted. Source:Stadtarchiv Landsberg